Olympic Games
soon to come
ATHENS 2004 president Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki officially opened the archaeological exhibition ®Magna Graecia: Sport and the Olympic Tradition on the Edge of the Classical Greek World at the Museum of Cycladic Art on June 23, 2004
®Magna Graecia¡ is the result of cooperation between ATHENS 2004 and the Museum of Cycladic Art. Part of the Organising Committee¡¯s culture programme, it will last until the end of the Paralympic Games. An exhibition of exceptional importance, it assembles 250 archaeological finds from thirty two Museums and departments of antiquities in Italy - Southern Italy and Sicily mainly, but also Etruria and Sardinia C and from the Museo Vaticano, the Athens Archaeological Museum, and the Archaeological Museum at Rhodes. The exhibits range from the early 6th century BC to the 2nd century AD. They are grouped to illustrate ancient sports and the order in which they took place at the Olympia Games. A star exhibit is the ®Charioteeer of Motya¡, a marble statue 1.81 metres high, found in 1979 on the island of Motya just off the north-west coast of Sicily. It is one of the finest sculptures of antiquity and dates from the mid-5th century BC.